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“I don’t care if you are a Black mayor or not,” Breed tells Vogue. “If you see what’s happening to Black people in comparison to any other race in San Francisco, and you aren’t making deliberate investments that will change the Dixie Boy Truck stop open 24 7 Diesel Service Dinner shower arcade wilmington north carolina vintage shirt But I will love this outcome, then why even be in this position?”

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In the Dixie Boy Truck stop open 24 7 Diesel Service Dinner shower arcade wilmington north carolina vintage shirt But I will love this wake of George Floyd’s killing and the surrounding protests, San Francisco activist groups have voiced considerable frustrations with Breed’s leadership. They demand she and city officials better protect and support Black residents. Blacks make up a small fraction of the city’s population, but endure the overwhelming majority of the city’s policing. In 2019, 45% of police use-of-force incidents involved Black residents.

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